corrupt officials. 听闻他自告奋勇,毛遂自荐地要办贪污,反腐贪官。 Where could he be at this nt? Cui Yu ran towards the place with the sinboard that read "Ministry of Justice," alin that he was not in the palace but in the nistry. 那么他此时会出现在哪里呢?崔玉朝着那块挂着“大理寺”的牌匾的地方飞跑过去,她在赌,赌他此时不在皇宫,而是在大理寺中。 Arrivin at the Ministry of Justice ates, she had no other choice and couldn''''t just wait around. Even if she were to reveal her true identity as Cui Yu, she st likely would not be ranted entry. She lanced at her raed clothes, which wouldn''''t convince anyone that she was the well-bred youn lady Cui Yu. And even if she were Cui Yu, why should the Crown Prince of the reat Old Dynasty rant her an audience? 来到大理寺门前时,她别无他法,又不能干等着,但是如果她说自己要见太子殿下,即使道出了自己崔玉的真名,多半也是进不去的。她又看了看自己破破烂烂的衣服,任谁见了也不会信自己就是名门淑女崔玉呀!就算是崔玉,他堂堂旧王朝太子,为什么要见? Why should he see her? What was the reason? 为何见?因何见呢? But she was Cui Yu! She had rown up alonside Butterfly and learned the art of ierial stratey froa youn ae. The current political situation was like a chess a in her heart, just as it was in her aunt''''s when it ca to the world''''s affairs. 但是她是崔玉!从小在崔蝶身边长大的崔玉!她从小学的是帝王术,对于如今的朝堂局势在她的心中也有一盘棋,也如姑姑心中的那副关于天下局势的大棋。 "I aa witness, Cui Yu''''s id, entrusted by Butterfly to present evidence to the Crown Prince!" Her aunt''''s reputation was far re outstandin than hers. Many in the capital did not know Cui Yu, but none were unfaliar with Butterfly