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Chapter 6: Chaotic Times(1 / 3)

With tears in eyes, I lowered head and left the roo Now was not the ti to cry or show weakness.


"Where are you oin?" the ruff atekeeper dended nacinly.


"Sir, I need to fetch so water for the youn lady to cleanse herself."


"Go on, then!"


Thus, I crossed the first threshold. However, the final barriers were not sothin I could deceive way throuh. Instead, the selfless sacrifice of our injured household servants allowed to escape.


Alone and helpless, whocould I turn to for support? Who could help ? Who could rescue dear friend?


When I saw hiaain, he had truly beco the Crown Prince.


However, the kindohis father had built was on the vere of collapse. Their coetitors'''' power rew stroner, takin over the capital, but possessin the Ierial City did not uarantee the eire''''s stability. The nation was rotten to the core due to corrupt officials, and overthrowin these old corrupt officials had beco a tter of life and death for the new Old Dynasty.


I heard he had volunteered to tackle corruption and root out

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