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第78章 Jonathan(2 / 2)


Jonathan 说:“Eh,I just heard this news. I’m Sorry!(我也是刚刚听说这个消息。抱歉!)

吕小雯听了,有点不满:“Not just say ‘sorry’. You said using this word is just like your country’s politician wording. You should,and you must say ‘apologize’. You should be ashamed for your activity.”(不要只是说抱歉。你用这个词和你们国家说法一样。你应该,而且必须用道歉这个词。你应该为你们国家的行为感到羞愧!)

Jonathan 用食指指了指自己的鼻子:“You said me?Oh,no,no,no. I’m a teacher in China. I teach you English here. It has nothing to do with me.”(你是说我吗?哦,不、不、不。我只是在中国的一名教师。我教你们英语,这事和我无关。)

吕小雯依然不依不挠:“Why nothing to do with you?Are you an American?”(为什么和你无关?难道你不是美国人那?)

Jonathan,“Yes,I am. But as you know,I’m just a common person. You said people who are politicians,and I can not influence their expressions.”(是的,我是美国人。但你知道,我只是个普通人。你说的那些人是政客,而我也无法影响他们的言行。)

吕小雯继续说:“But you can write a letter to them . You must write as soon as you come back University foreign teacher apartment.”(但你能给他们写封信。你必须一回学校住处就写。)

Jonathan 望着咄咄逼人的吕小雯,只好点了点头,嘴里说着:“Yes,yes,yes. I agree with you. I’ll try it with the way you told me just now as soon as I come back the department of University. And I will email office of President.”(好的,好的,好的。我答应你。一回学校住处我就按你跟我说的那样做。我会给总统办公室发一封电子邮件。)

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