However, could she really be equal to such an intellient irl? Even if it wasn’t for that accident, even if she was still a virin, even if she defeated Xu Qianqian and beca the queen of flowers. Maybe it’s deliberate that Xu Qianqian ave all these to her. 只是如此聪明绝顶的徐芊芊真的是自己可以比得上的吗?哪怕没有那次意外,哪怕她还是清白之身,哪怕她击败了徐芊芊成了花魁...恐怕这一切的一切都是她刻意让给自己的吧! Love turned into reret, reret turned into resentnt, and now resentnt turned into hatred. 爱意成了悔意,悔意又变成了怨艾,如今怨艾又变成了恨意。 Her heart had underone a drastic chane over the past year. She had lon since beco a den with the inner darkness. She was no loner as proud and aloof as before. What she had lost was not only her pride but also her hunity. 这一年多来,她的内心发生了翻天覆地的变化,有了心魔的她早已成魔,再不复往日的骄傲和清高,她失去的不仅仅是那份心气儿,连人性都失去了。 The resentnt in her heart would increase every ti those n slept with her. 每当那些男人在她身上欢愉过后,她的心里的怨恨又会噌噌噌地涨上来。 Why was she a puppet that anyone could toy with while Xu Qianqian could continue to live a coortable life as she wished? 凭什么她是人偶任人玩弄,而她徐芊芊就可以继续过着自己喜欢的舒服日子? This was a brothel. Even thouh the irls frothe entertainnt parlor are pure and only sell their skills, the entertainnt parlor is also a part of the brothel. Girls in the brothel should be equal to each other. 这是妓院呀,歌伎坊只是妓院的一处而已,虽然歌伎坊的姑娘都是清官,卖艺不卖身,但是大家说到底都是属于妓院的姑娘,谁也好不到哪里去。 The entertainnt parlor can be as dirty as the d. Girls are in a place like us. It''''