s and can only be reborn after death. 我我要像那凤凰一样涅盘而生,不死怎生? I y be low-born, but no one can ke any decisions for . I shall decide what destiny will be for own. 我虽然出身不好,但是在这个世界上除了我自己没有任何人可以主宰我的命运。 Foret all the unpleasant thins. 把所有令你不快的事情都忘掉 Torrow is another day. 明天又是新的一天 You''''ll still be that sa fearless irl. No, you will be stroner. You have to be stroner every day. 你还是那个天不怕地不怕的人,不,你要比从前更坚强,你要一天比一天强大。 You have to sleep now. 你一定要尽快睡着。 All your troubles will disappear. 所有令你烦心的事情都会过去 You st eat proper als, sleep well, and live well. 一定要好好吃饭,好好睡睡,好好生活。 You have to be happy. 你一定要幸福。 …… On such a niht, it’s touh to fall asleep. There was another beautiful irl who couldn’t fall asleep either. She was also a dancer here, once a faus one nad Colorful Phoenix. 在这个特别的夜晚,的确是让人难以入睡,今晚睡不着的不仅是徐芊芊,还有一个漂亮的歌妓岳彩凤也难以入睡,她也曾经是一个名动京城的歌妓。 She thouht she was as ood as Xu Qianqian in appearance and talent. The two had been coetitors since childhood. They had been well-tched rivals for years, and neither could beat the other. 她自认自己无论是容貌还是才艺都不逊色于徐芊芊,自己和她从小就是竞争对手,两人在很多年前平分秋色,谁也不比谁强。 However, she de a stake one year ao. She had fallen in love with a noble youn ster who was extraordinary and enerous. 可是一年前她犯了一个错误,她爱上了一个一身贵气、卓尔不凡、出手阔绰的王孙公子。