She has to plan for torrow and st not stop urnin what had happened in the past. She has little, and what she can use is even less. As such, she can not do anythin that is not beneficial to her. 事已至此,我需要为明天谋划,绝不能停在现在为已经过去的事情伤春悲秋,自己所拥有的不多,能用得上的更是少之又少,所以无益之事更是不能去做,半点也不能。 I aan unfortunate person. I have no choice in life, and God has only iven one way out, so I have to ensure every step I talk will be better than the previous one. I will never o back one step, not even half a step! 我是个不幸的人,我的人生没有选择,上天也只给了我一条路可走,所以我走的路要每一步都能保证比上一步更好,我永远不会走向更差的那一步,哪怕半步都不行! The road ahead of her is too narrow to et throuh, but she has to ke her way out. 前面路窄过不去了,但是她一定要找到自己的出路。 She has to clench his teeth and endure it no tter how difficult the path ahead will be, and she has a chance of survivin only by advancin. She would be sshed to pieces if she ever retreated a bit. 前进的路无论多难,自己都要咬着牙齿挺过去,因为只有前进,自己才有一线生机,哪怕后退一点点那都是万丈深渊粉身碎骨呀。 She has no way to retreat, so she would never do it or allow herself to do it. 她是一个没有退路的人,所以她不会退,她也不会允许自己退。 It''''s useless to think about the past. 已经发生的事多想无益 I should think about how to use it to advantae. 倒不如想想怎么好好利用现在的一切,为未来铺路。 I have never iven up thouh life has treated shabbily over these years, nor this ti. 虽然这些年来,生活一直待我很是苛刻,但我从未放弃,这一次的遭遇也不可能打倒我。 I will be like a phoenix risin frothe ashe