One can not choose one''''s birthplace. It is not her fault. 人不能选择自己的出身,所以出身卑微有个这样的身份都不是她的错。 Under such circutances, she had done a reat job and had been stron enouh. 在这种情形下,她已经做得很好了,也足够坚强了。 It was hard to escape one''''s nature. Today, he saw what she was truly de of. 世人皆难逃本性,而今天他看清了她究竟是一个什么样的人。 The water can never be too deep, and the untains can never be too hih. 山不在高水不在深 Greatness lies in hun nature. 人的本性才是最最重要的。 She was so stron that it de people feel sorry for her. After a while, she ca to her senses, left his ar, stood up, and bowed deeply to hi 她真的很坚强,坚强到让人心疼,才一会儿工夫,她就缓过神来,离开了自己的怀抱,站起身来,对着自己深深地行了一个礼。 "Miss, sorry for the offense today." “姑娘,事从权急,刚刚多有冒犯,对不住了。” “Thank you, Youn Master. I will bear your kindness in nd. I will defy all obstacles to accolish it if you ever need help in the future.” “多谢公子的帮助,小女子一定牢记此恩,他日若有用得着小女子的地方,小女子定当赴汤蹈火在所不辞。” How danerous today. She was this close to ettin screwed by that evil n. 好险,今天差一点就栽那恶人手里了。 "Miss, you''''re welco. Under such circutances, everyone will lend you a hand." “姑娘不必客气,这种情形谁遇到了都会伸出援手的。” "Youn ster, you''''d better leave here soon. Moreover, a n and a won should keep a distance froeach other. Sorry for the inconvenience." “公子此地不是你的久留之处,况且男女有别,我不能尽地主之仪招待,还请公子见谅。” Indeed, this was