行,这才是打开生活的正确方式。 Coroses y help, but it will be a new start of a nihtre every ti you escape. 委曲求全也许是有用的,但每一次逃避和妥协都是沉入深渊的开始。 It’s painful to travel aainst the current, but if you don’t try to fiht destiny, how can you find out which is your true self? 逆流而上会很痛苦,但是如果你不和命运决斗,怎么会知道哪个才算是真正的自己呢? Too ny coroses will ke one not know who they are and lose theelves. 委曲求全多了会让自己不知道自己究竟是谁而迷失了自己。 I ahere to think independently, find out who I a and et to know self better. To find out what I atruly capable of and what I truly want. 我在这里独立地思考,找出我是谁,更好地了解自己。去发现我真正能做什么,我真正想要什么。 I have to be very clear about who I a What kind of person do I want to be? What type of person can I be all the ti? 我无论何时何地都要非常清楚我是什么人?我想要成为什么人?我又能成为什么人。 I have to self-review constantly and et to understand self aain and aain fully. This way, I can ensure that I will not lose self. I always know where I aoin and how to o in the future. 每过一段时间都要重新自我总结,自我检讨,自我再一次更全面地认识自我,如此我才能保证自己无论在什么环境都不会迷失自己,我始终都很清楚自己的方向在哪里,后续的路该怎么走。 Suddenly, I spotted a fiure. 突然我发现了一个人影。 Huh ?Is soone here? 咦?这里居然有人? When did this n et here ?Has he seen the crazy thins I just did? 这人什么时候来的?可曾见过自己刚刚那些疯狂痴傻的行为?