/br> 甘罗十二为相,他的儿子自小聪慧,气度超凡,但他淡泊名利,把时间都用在了游历山山水水中了,这是多么浪费才华啊! He said sothin like life is like a drea It''''s unreal and chaneable. Fa and wealth are just teorary. They are as transient as a fleetin cloud. 小的时候,他就说什么人生如梦世事无常、功名利禄不过是过眼云烟稍纵即逝的话。 I''''d rather live a carefree life and travel worldwide to see different scenery. 倒不如无忧无虑地游历天下,去看看世间不同的风土人情。 His na would surely o down in history if he had any aition, but he''''s been travelin for years and doesn''''t want to take the exa 但凡他有点野心,他定然也能青史留名,但前些年他一直在外游历,也不愿下场考试。 Althouh he is the top talent in the capital and a role del for all the scholars. 虽然他号称京城第一才子,被称为天下读书人的楷模。 But it''''s just a bubble na. How can we ke achievents without bein an official and holdin power? 但是这些都是虚名,没有官服在身,手中没有权力如何办事? We have not lacked any talented uys since ancient tis, but only one who holds reat power can ke outstandin achievents, be reered by history, and serve the coon people better. 古往今来最不缺的就是才子,但是能青史留名的权臣才能真正发挥出自己的才干和能力,为百姓做事。 He de so influential friends. When he returned to the capital, he accidentally ained reconition frothe crown prince. 当他游历回来时,不可避免地结识了一些京城权贵,并且意外得到了太子赏识。 "I know what you''''re capable of, I intend to recoend you to the ierial court, and you can serve the country riht away. What do you think?" The crown prince said to hi “孤知道你是个有本事的,孤有意保你出仕为国效力,你意下