the world so that all the hard work in life will not be in vain. 亲情早已看破,爱情对于我这种人来说更觉可笑,我这辈子就喜欢攀龙附凤必踏青云上天梯,如此我这辈子所吃的苦才不白费。 My inco was better after I ca to the entertainnt parlor, and I was finally allowed to study. 也正是进入了歌伎坊,我有了相对高点的收入,并且得到了自己梦寐以求的学习的机会。 My skills are better since I worked harder and sweated re than others. As a result, I continued to ture every day. 我学的技艺都比一般人要好,我背后付出了比别人更多的汗水,更多的泪水和辛劳,就这样我一天天地长大。 I bean studyin dancin and sinin when I was ten, which was too late. 10岁那年初学艺,已经很大了。 It would be best to start learnin the zither when you are five and the dance when you are six or earlier to be the leadin dancer. 如果你想要成为领舞,你必须五岁习琴六岁习舞或者更早 You have to painstakinly practice throuhout the days and the seasons without stoppin. 朝夕苦练寒暑不辍。 Because bein the leadin dancer, your beauty st be extraordinary, and your dance st be outstandin. 因为作为领舞,你必须美貌出众舞技绝伦。 It''''s iossible to be the leadin dancer for soone like , but I have refused to accept fate since childhood. As I rew older, I had to yield to fate unwillinly. 对我来说,当领舞是不可能的,但是我从小就不认命,可是随着年龄的增长,我越来越只能认命。 Now that I''''in this industry, I''''ll do best. 既然我进入了这个行业,那么我会尽我自己所能做到最好。 As the days went by, when I was fifteen, I did pretty well for self. 日子一天天过去,当我十五岁的时候,我已经过得很好了。 I aan excellent dance irl a