"Do you think I can coare to the ladies froprestiious falies and hih-born dauhters?" “公子看我可比得那些名门闺秀,高门之女?” "Of course, you can." “自然是比得上的。” "With looks and knowlede, I would never rry a poor boy in this lifeti. If I rry, it will be into a renowned faly or a wealthy household. So, there''''s no chance for us." “我这样的容貌,我这样学识,此生我是绝对不会嫁给一个穷小子的。 此生我要嫁,就一定会嫁入名门世家,高门大户之家。所以我们绝无可能” "No chance?... Just because I co froa poor backround?" “绝无可能?……就因为我出身贫寒?” "Yes." “对” "I apoloize for presutuousness." He turned and left. “是在下唐突了。”他转身离去。 Little did I know, his heart was like a clear rror. He understood I was afraid of bein associated with hi so he closed his doors and kept to hielf. In reality, I wanted to avoid any connection with hiand to reject hi I was sayin, "I don''''t think hihly of you, and I don''''t want any rurs to spread about us." 我不知道其实他心如明镜,知道我怕和他扯上关系,所以就他闭门不见。其实就是不想让自己和他有半点关系,其实就是在拒绝他,就是在说:“我没有看上你,因此不想与你有半点流言传出。” So, when he noticed aloofness, he withdrew his feelins and stopped visitin . He persisted in this way for over ten days, never expectin that I would be so heartless as to leave. When he heard I was leavin and would never see aain, he abandoned all reason and ca to see in the dead of niht. 所以他发觉我的异常后,也收起了自己的心,不再来见我。就这样坚持了十多天,可是没有想到我如此绝情,要离开了。一听到我要离开,再也见不到了。他放下了所有的理智,于是他半夜三更独自来见我。