Durin their ti toether in the Ministry of Justice, he had rveled at her intellience, and later, he had been huled by her bravery and indotable spirit. Her beauty only served to deepen his love for her. 这半年多的大理寺相处期间,自己惊叹于她的聪明,后来他折服于她的勇敢和不屈服的强大内心,美丽的容颜让他加快了深陷爱恋的步伐。 Havin been raised by Butterfly, Cui Yu possessed a unique and rare race, settin her apart froother won. Frothe beinnin, Butterfly''''s protee was destined to be a n''''s ruin—no tter how exceptional he was, he could not escape her spell. 崔蝶教出来的女子自有一番世间女子都没有的风骨,崔蝶倾心培养出来的女子从一开始就注定是男人的劫,任你何等优秀,也逃不出的劫。 Beneath the bloon beonia flowers, Cui Yu strolled at a leisurely pace. Zhan Guoyin approached her. 漫漫的海棠花下,有着崔玉闲散漫步的身影,张国英朝着那身影走去。 As he drew closer, he adred her unparalleled beauty. Thouh Cui Yu was stunnin enouh to captivate souls, he knew other breathtakin beauties existed in the world. Zhan Guoyin was not a n who fell for looks alone. What he loved was the person she was—the perfect blend of beauty, intellience, and countless virtues. Only such a won could be considered a peerless beauty. 来到身影前,望着对面这副绝世芳颜,崔玉的美的确美得让人心醉,让人动魂,可是天下之大,这样的绝世美人也绝不可能只有她崔玉一人,而他张国英绝不是迷恋美色之人,他爱的从来都是她这个人,这个完美的人,她美丽,她聪明,她有着无数的优点和闪光点,只有这样的女人才可称得上是绝代佳人。 Zhan Guoyin observed as petals drifted onto Cui Yu''''s head and body, creatin a picturesque scene. However, iven the onoin war, he had no heart to appreciate the beauty before hi 张国英看着海棠花瓣被一阵风吹下,落在