ic passion in Zhan Guoyin, who wished to protect this delicate and lovely won. 乱世佳人,倾国倾城,身世漂浮,不屈不挠,超凡脱俗,让他有了英雄情怀,愿意去护得这一朵娇柔美丽的女人花。 …… While under his care, Cui Yu lived a life of dependence but also provided hiwith valuable advice. 在她的投奔中她寄人篱下,但也为他出谋划策。 Her captivatin beauty was not the only thin that won his heart—it was her cunnin and courae. 她长得倾国倾城,但是让他倾心的是她的谋略和胆识。 They fell in love with one another, but she was unaware of her own feelins. 他爱上了她,她也爱上了他,可是她却不自知。 Soon, their ene, Kin Liu Yi of The New Dynasty, attacked. Zhan Guoyin reluctantly fled the city with his father to their forr territory, Lianzhou. His father had once been the rihteous kin of Lianzhou, and toether, they had fouht ny battles, shed blood on the battlefield, and naed their territory. They eventually conquered ch of the land, entered the capital city, and overthrew the old dynasty to establish the new Old Dynasty. Yet, barely a year after its foundin, the Old Dynasty was on the brink of bein replaced by Kin Liu Yi of The New Dynasty. The fate of their kindowas out of their hands. 敌人新王朝刘义打过来了,他无奈要和父亲弃城而逃,逃到自己原先的封地凉州去,父亲原是凉州的义王,这么多年来父亲和自己冲锋陷阵,战场上浴血奋战,在后方指点江山挥斥方遒,好不容易平定了大半江山,杀入了京城,推翻了旧的王朝,改立了新的旧王朝,可是新王朝成立不过一年多时间又马上要被新王朝刘义取而代之,江山换主半点也不由人。 Zhan Guoyin could only sih and accept the inevitable. With Kin Liu Yi''''s forces nearin the city, he had no choice but to hasten their evacuation plan