lish the new Old Dynasty? 新旧王权的更替,又埋了多少白骨? 又是踏上了多少血淋淋的尸骨才建立起来的新的旧王朝? In tis of prosperity, the people suffer; in tis of decline, they also suffer. The Cui faly did not take sides, but we were still cauht up in the conflict. 兴,百姓苦; 亡,百姓苦。崔家没有站队,但是也受到了牵连。 Durin the siee, we had no choice but to flee the violence and abandon our centuries-old Cui Mansion, wanderin the lands in search of refue. 就在这一次攻城中,我们为了逃难,逃避战火的伤害,只得丢弃了百年繁华的崔宅,四处流浪。 However, it was crucial for the prestiious Cui faly to intain a presence in the capital city, so I volunteered for the task. 但是百年世家的崔家不可能不留一个人守在京城,而我就是那个自告奋勇的人。 My aunt and the rest of the Cui faly had also left, perhaps seekin refue in areas untouched by war. 姑姑也离开了,所有的人都离开了崔家,也许那些人都离开了京城,跑到了那些没有战火的地方去了。 Only personal id, and I reined, alon with a few skilled rtial arts servants uardin the vast Cui Mansion. 只有我和我的贴身丫环心儿相依为伴,两个女孩子和几个有武功的家奴守在了偌大的崔家。 We anxiously endured the suffocatin days of war until peace finally arrived. The Rihteous Prince led his ar to conquer the capital, endin the era of the old dynasty and usherin in a new one. 我们就这样担心受怕中度过了那窒息的战火的几日,终于迎来了太平,义王率领大军攻破京城,属于旧王朝的时代彻底宣告结束,新的王朝来临。 Zhan Guoyin was nad Crown Prince of the Old Dynasty. 建立旧王朝,张国英为旧王朝太子。 The war was over, but were we safe? 战火停了,就能代表我们可以安全地开始生活了吗?