we were bullied, I was the one always left bruised and bloody, and it was always just . 因为我们家别人欺负我们时,只有我一人反抗,所以被别人打得血淋淋的只有我一个,永远也只有我一个人。 Whenever I was beaten to the point of bleedin, I had to let it o because nobody would stand up for or help seek justice. When others in faly were hit, I would confront the aressors, but no one dared to step forward or utter a sound when I was in trouble. I could only place all hopes on children. 被人打得头破血流,都是就这么算了,因为我被打了,没有人帮我主事,没有人帮我讨债还债,别人打了我们家其他人,我去找人论事由,可是我有事了,没有一个人敢出头,没有一个人敢哼一人,我只有把所有的希望都寄托在我的孩子身上。 I ave birth to two boys and a irl. Ah Bao and I often quarreled in our ioverished life and even fouht each other. We were always in conflict because of our strules, and our children suffered alonside us. 我生了两男一女,贫贱夫妇百事哀,因为贫穷,我和阿宝经常吵架,甚至打架;因为日子苦,我们常常闹;因为自己没有能力,孩子也跟着自己苦。 With no proper food to eat, we would roast and crush chili peppers as a keshift al. The children would eat the peppers and et stoch aches, pressin their bellies aainst cold stones to ease the pain. 没有菜吃,只能把辣椒烤了弄碎当菜吃,孩子吃了辣得肚子疼,就把肚子贴在冰凉的石头上用来缓解疼痛。 .......... I endured endless hardships, hopin children would row up and chane their fate. I placed all hopes on the just as parents had done with . 万般苦楚,只盼儿女长大成人,能改变命运,我把我一生的希望都寄托在了儿女身上,就像当年我的父母把他们的希望寄托在我的身上那么地如出一辙。