efore she finally asked uncertainly, "Lotus, do you want to eat buns?" 最后一次记得母亲的模样是母亲和我一起去集市赶集,望着街上热气喷喷的包子,母亲呲蹴不前,站了好久,好久母亲才犹犹豫豫地问我:"莲儿,你想不想吃包子呀?" Hearin ther ntion buns, I iediately lanced at those plu white buns, then quickly averted aze as if by conditioned reflex. 听母亲一说包子,我马上不由自主地望向那白白胖胖的包子,然后立刻就条件反射似地收回了自己的视线。 I swallowed involuntarily, lowered head to look at own feet, and said, "I don''''t want to eat." 不由自主地吞了吞口水,低着头看着自己的脚丫子说道:"不想吃" It wasn''''t that I didn''''t want to eat. I was only ten years old then, and who wouldn''''t want to eat when they are hunry every day? But I knew the buns were too expensive, and we couldn''''t afford the It wasn''''t that I didn''''t want to eat, but that I didn''''t dare to eat or buy the 我哪里是不想吃呀,十岁,那个时候我才十岁,一个每天连饭都吃不饱年仅十岁的孩子,谁不想吃呢?可是我清楚包子太贵了,要花钱,而我们家根本就消费不起,不是不想吃,而是不敢吃,也不敢买。 Upon hearin words, ther didn''''t say anythin re, and we both walked out of the bun shop toether. However, I''''ll never foret that nt. as the old Chinese proverb "Eat well before dyin" y sound rude but yet conveys reat wisdo 母亲听我这么说,就没有再说什么话了,然后我和母亲一起离开了卖包子的地方。可是这一幕我永远都忘记不了,中国有句古言叫做吃了好去赶死,吃了好去赶死,这句话看似粗鲁,可是却含着大学问。 My ther passed away a few days after that incident. Before her death, she wanted to taste a bun and then eat it before she died. But because of "I don''''t want to eat" answer, she left this world without eatin anythin. 因为母亲就在