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为了证明我不是在摸鱼,放一段现在正在写的review(2 / 2)

ve yet to recover frothat of so lecular bioloists.  (粒子物理学家觉得只有粒子物理是物理)  。。。  Marx said that quantitative differences beco qualitative ones, but a dialoue in Paris in the 1920s su it up even re clearly:  FITZGERALD: The rich are different. frous.  HEMINGWAY: Yes, they have re ney.  (辩证唯物主义)  还是建议去读原文献,名字就是re is different。  老是有人问我为什么不翻译,首先因为这句话不太好翻译,其次这么著名的思想看看原文才能理解。

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