't know, but what I can be certain of is that his mind is very clear. He can use his identity to make a deal with the enemy that he thinks is a big buyer, that is, which side wins, and he can live, full of glory and wealth! Do you think so? Mr. Wright!(注:我对他不了解,但是四次的见面中我发现菲诺杰虽然不是坏人,但是他肯定有问题,是他的眼睛出卖了他,他是为了钱?还是为了女人?我不知道,但是我可以肯定的是,他的头脑很清醒,他利用他的身份,可以和敌人做一笔他认为很大的买家,那就是那一方胜了,他都可以活着,充满荣华富贵的活着!你说是吗?赖特先生!”)......我笑着说完看着一脸苦涩的赖特.....